Diffusion cells for skin permeation measurementsJacek Arct 1/, M. Zmorska 2/, Tomasz Kobiela 2/, Magdalena Krulikowska 3/ 1/ Fundacja dr Seidla w Warszawie 2/ Wydział Chemiczny, Politechnika Warszawska 3/ Action Poland sp. z o.o. Summary Diffusion cells are used in pharmacy and cosmetology to measure active substances´ in vitro permeation rate. Each diffusion cell consists of two parts: donor and acceptor. A model membrane is placed between them. They can more or less model human skin depending on the membrane used. We can divide them into static and flow ones or consider the membrane´s direction in the diffusion chamber. There are basically three types of chambers: Fynn, Frantz, and Bronaugh. Their modifications are also in use. A separate version is the PAMPA method using the Frantz principle. It allows performing multiple measurements simultaneously. It is handy for preliminary measurements. Key words: diffusion cell, PAMPA method, in vitro |