"Elixirs of youth" as species for appearance modificationBarbara Dondela, Lidia Chrząstek Zespół Dydaktyki i Chemii Praktycznej Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie Summary Aim. The aim of the study was to establish if the use of rejuvenating cosmetics, such as botox, hyaluronic acid and collagen influence positively the women´s frame of mind; the answers of the inquiry respondents served for this purpose. It was shown which parts of face are the most often submitted to treatments, and if the women up to 40 years or older use rejuvenating cosmetics. Material and methods. In the inquiry 60 women, selected randomly, of different age took part. The inquiry concerning the rejuvenating treatments with the use of fillers of soft tissues, such as botox, hyaluronic acid and collagen was designed. The ingquiry was presented in beauty parlours in Częstochowa from January to April 2008 year. Results. Comparison of rejuvenating treatments performed with the use of botox, hyaluronic acid and collagen has shown that hyaluronic acid was applied the most often. It was established that more and more women decide now for treatment, and that the use of elixirs of youth does not cause any side effects. The face is submitted to rejuvenating tretment the most often. Conclusion. The results of the inquiry show that the rejuvenating treatment is of importance for women´s frame of mind. Key words: botox, hyaluronic acid, collagen |