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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Saturday, 08.02.2025
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© Pol J Cosmetol 2024, 27(1)

Review papers
●  Cuphea P. Browne - in search of new cosmetic raw materials 1-9pl  add to cart
  Danuta Sobolewska, Dagmara Wróbel-Biedrawa, Agnieszka Galanty, Irma Podolak
●  Skin and appendages lesions associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection 10-14pl  add to cart
  Sara Grabas, Agnieszka Garncarczyk, Agnieszka Lubczyńska, Dominika Wcisło-Dziadecka, Klaudia Mazurek, Sandra Biela-Wojtyczka, Dawid Burczyk
●  Colorimetry - how to "precisely" define the colors of cosmetics? 15-19pl  add to cart
  Dominika Świątczak, Magdalena Małecka
●  Right to perform procedures bordering on aesthetic medicine. Physician, cosmetologist or beautician - the rights of individual professional groups 20-24pl  add to cart
  Robert L. Wegner, Agata Dankiewicz

Original papers
●  Customer evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical peeling and laser therapy in the fight against acne vulgaris 25-30pl  add to cart
  Aneta R. Mamos, Natalia Forton
●  Ideal and predicted actual solubility of resveratrol in ethanol solutions of variable polarity 31-36pl  add to cart
  Marian M. Zgoda, Sławomira Nowak, Zbigniew Marczyński, Zbigniew Binikowski, Magdalena Markowicz-Piasecka
●  Evaluation of effectiveness of facial acne scars treatment with dermabrasion 37-40pl  add to cart
  Marta Fijałkowska, Klaudia Kowalczyk, Paulina Turko, Bogusław Antoszewski
●  Effectiveness of lasers in tattoo removal - a survey of cosmetologistis opinions 41-47pl  add to cart
  Natalia Krasnodębska, Magdalena Niewęgłowska