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ISSN 1731-0083
Wednesday, 05.02.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2021, 24(1): 54-59pladd to cart

Women´s knowledge and expectations considering chemical peels

Daria Adamowska, Magdalena Niewęgłowska, Radosław Śpiewak

Zakład Dermatologii Doświadczalnej i Kosmetologii UJ CM w Krakowie

Introduction. Chemical peels are perceived as one of the most effective tools in skin cosmetology.
Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze women´s knowledge and their expectations concerning chemical peels.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in March and April 2020 among women aged 14-62. The diagnostic survey method was used. The research tool was the original questionnaire consisting of 43 open-ended and closed-ended questions, which was distributed to participants via Google Forms.
Results. 74.0% of women who use beauty salon services declared to have undergone chemical peeling treatments. 70.6% of the respondents declared that they know what acid is used in their peeling. 62.7% of the respondents use cosmetics with acids for home care. 82.0% believed that chemical peels are effective, while 70.7% noticed an improvement in the appearance of the skin after cosmetic procedures or cosmetics with acids. Women frequently noticed an improvement in skin tone (71.8%), reduction of blackheads (45.1%), reduction of discoloration (39.4%), younger appearance of the skin (36.6%) or improvement of the skin firmness (31.0%) after acid peels.
Conclusions. The knowledge of most women in the field of chemical peels is high, women are not afraid of this type of treatments and cosmetics. The vast majority of women notice the positive effects of chemical peels and cosmetics with acids and perceive chemical peels as treatments that effectively improve the appearance of the skin.

Key words: chemical peel, cosmetology treatment, women´s knowledge, women´s expectations, acids, cosmetic acids