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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2022, 25(4): 222-227pladd to cart

Wood´s lamp in the diagnosis of healthy and pathological skin

Klaudia Mazurek 1/, Aleksandra Olejarz 2/, Ewa Pierzchała 1/

1/ Zakład Medycyny Estetycznej Katedry Kosmetologii, Wydział Nauk Farmaceutycznych w Sosnowcu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
2/ absolwentka kierunku kosmetologia I stopnia, Wydział Nauk Farmaceutycznych w Sosnowcu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach

In the work of a cosmetologist interviewing the patient and a thorough assessment of their skin condition, as well as the exclusion of possible dermatoses are of fundamental importance.
Created in 1903, Wood´s lamp is one of the basic diagnostic devices used in dermatology. It is also increasingly used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. Wood´s lamp emits light with a wavelength of 320 nm to 400 nm. UV radiation is generated by a high-pressure mercury arc, whereas the filter (the so-called Wood´s filter) made of barium silicate with the addition of 9% nickel oxide is impermeable to the entire light spectrum, except for the wavelengths between 320 nm and 400 nm, with a peak at 365 nm. The fluorescence observed in Wood´s lamp examination is a consequence of tissue absorbing the light produced by the device and emitting radiation of a longer wavelength.
Wood´s lamp enables the assessment of skin dehydration and the identification of disorders in the hydrolipid coat. It is used to determine skin type. It is a basic tool in the diagnosis of melasma or vitiligo. In addition, on the basis of the colour of fluorescence, it enables the differentiation of bacterial and fungal diseases.
Wood´s lamp examination does not require any special preparation, and what is important, it is completely painless and safe for both the patient and the operator. Correct skin diagnostics enables the development of a personalized care plan that closely meets the needs of a particular patient.

Key words: skin diagnostics, fluorescence, Wood´s lamp