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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2022, 25(4): 245-251pladd to cart

Early aesthetic physiotherapy of caesarean section scars - case study

Agnieszka Lubczyńska, Agnieszka Garncarczyk, Dominika Wcisło-Dziadecka

Zakład Kosmetologii, Katedra Kosmetologii, Wydział Nauk Farmaceutycznych w Sosnowcu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach

Introduction. The number of cesarean sections (C-section) performed is steadily increasing across the world. It leads to develop special care about scar after this specific surgery. The normal result of wound healing is a flat, pale, and elastic scar. Skin damage during the early stages of scarring and patient-specific wound healing factors contribute to the transformation of scars into extensive or pathological hypertrophic and keloid scars. Aesthetic changes, persistent pain and itching, loss of movement due to contracture or adhesion can significantly affect a patient´s quality of life. There are many different treatment methods that can act preventively and reduce discomfort and visibility of the scar. Manual scar treatment involves various therapy techniques. Clinical observations show the effectiveness of manual scar therapy.
Aim. The aim of this study was to suggest an optimal manual therapy protocol in the early stages of scar formation after cesarean section that can be applied by a cosmetologist and physiotherapist.
Materials and methods. In the study participated a 29-year-old patient, 6 weeks after cesarean section. The therapy lasted for 8 weeks with weekly appointments, including lymphatic drainage, massage, manual therapy, and taping. Pre- and post-therapy evaluations included the patient´s subjective assessment, photographic documentation, and measurements using ultrasound and skin parameters (i.e., hydration, elasticity, color, and erythema).
Results. The patient´s subjective assessment indicates a positive impact of the combined therapy on the symptoms associated with the scar, as well as its comfort and aesthetics. Studies conducted using ultrasound and skin diagnostic equipment confirm a beneficial effect on the quality and appearance of the skin.
Conclusions. The proposed pilot, early treatment protocol may have a beneficial impact on the quality and appearance of the scar after cesarean section. The study requires expansion to a larger research group. Further research evaluating different individual and combined scar treatment methods is needed to determine the most effective manual therapy strategy.

Key words: scars, cesarean section, massage