Etiopathogenesis of vascular skin and substances used to alleviate its symptomsPatrycja Spendel 1/, Wioleta Faruga-Lewicka 1,2/ 1/ Śląska Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna w Katowicach 2/ Zakład Technologii i Oceny Jakości Żywności, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach Summary Dilated blood vessels in the facial skin are a significant medical and cosmetic problem. Statistics show that about 50% of men and women in Northeastern European countries suffer from it, with the problem occurring more often in women. Under the influence of exogenous and endogenous stimuli, healthy blood vessels alternately contract and dilate. In the case of vascular skin, this process is disturbed, consequently leading to a natural impairment of the mechanism of blood vessel function, and what follows, the permanent dilatation of blood vessels and even their bursting, i.e. telangiectasia. In the care of vascular skin, preventive measures are extremely important. Prevention of the appearance of new and enlargement of existing telangiectasias is based on the reduction of irritating stimuli, which consists of a series of seemingly minor activities. Daily home care should have been based on the action of making blood vessels more flexible, strengthening the tension of veins, anti-inflammatory action, soothing reducing redness of the skin and, importantly, strengthening the epidermal barrier. Key words: vascular skin, erythema, telangiectasias, epidermal barrier |