Right to perform procedures bordering on aesthetic medicine. Physician, cosmetologist or beautician - the rights of individual professional groupsRobert L. Wegner 1/, Agata Dankiewicz 2/ 1/ Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu, Warszawska Uczelnia Medyczna im. Tadeusza Koźluka 2/ Wydział Nauk Medycznych, Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierii i Zdrowia w Warszawie Summary The "aesthetic medicine" market is constantly growing, and with it, treatments aimed at producing an "anti-aging" effect on the patient´s body. The number of invasive treatments is constantly growing, which are increasingly performed by people who do not comply with the law on performing them or take advantage of the loophole in Polish law, which is the lack of legal regulations at the moment. Doctors are seeing more and more people with serious diseases, etc., who seek medical help after unsuccessful "aesthetic medicine" treatments. Often, these people do not know what substance they have been injected with. Cosmetologists, beauty technicians or beauticians are not obliged or authorized to prepare medical documentation. The law is quite ambiguous - the lack of appropriate legal regulations has caused general anxiety and conflict in the cosmetic and medical community for many years. This situation results from the fact that there are no legal regulations specifying the exact legal differences between the profession of a cosmetologist and his professional qualifications and those of a doctor. Resolving this issue is very important, because it also concerns the issue of the right to protect the patient´s health and life. In the further part of the work, we will focus on the legal regulations of the profession of a cosmetologist. An analysis of the legal situation concerning professional qualifications and criminal and civil liability related to the profession of a cosmetologist and doctor will be made. The regulation of professional qualifications of a cosmetologist is important due to the large number of errors made, usually resulting from the lack of competence of people performing the procedures, equipment failures or insufficient care of the patient after the procedure. Key words: aesthetic medicine, cosmetologist, law, non-therapeutic interventions, aesthetic indications, medical devices, legal liability |