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ISSN 1731-0083
Friday, 14.03.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2024, 27(1): 25-30pladd to cart

Customer evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical peeling and laser therapy in the fight against acne vulgaris

Aneta R. Mamos 1,2/, Natalia Forton 1/

1/ Zakład Biofarmacji, Wydział Farmaceutyczny, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
2/ Instytut Ekspertyz Medycznych w Łodzi

Introduction. The prevalence of acne vulgaris and the growing awareness of people struggling with it have led to a search for effective treatments. Cosmetology offices, meeting the needs and expectations of the recipients of their services, are constantly expanding their offer of treatments to improve the appearance of clients´ skin. The growing cosmetology industry has allowed the introduction of new methods of eliminating this condition. Among these methods are chemical peels, laser therapy and phototherapy.
Aim. The aim of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical peeling and laser therapy in eradicating acne vulgaris as perceived by clients, to detail the most effective acid and laser, and to determine which of the compared methods is associated with more frequent complications.
Material and method. An online survey was conducted from January to June 2021. The survey included 80 people struggling with acne and were users of the services of 4 major cosmetology offices in the city of Lodz. A proprietary questionnaire consisting of a metric and 17 questions specific to knowledge of acne skin, the skin care treatments used, as well as an evaluation of the use of cosmetologist services and the results obtained through the treatments performed, was used to implement the study.
Results. The survey found that the opinion of clients is consistent with the general opinion of cosmetologists regarding the effectiveness of the use of the treatments analyzed.
Conclusions. Chemical peel therapy was the most effective treatment, while it was considered to have more side effects compared to lasers. Among acids, salicylic acid was found to be the most effective, and among lasers it was the CO2 laser.

Key words: customer feedback, acne vulgaris, therapy evaluation, laser, chemical peeling