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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2009, 12(1): 2-14pl,enadd to cart

Application of chemical peels in dermatology

Małgorzata Dawgul 1/, Wioletta Barańska-Rybak 2/

1/ Katedra i Zakład Chemii Nieorganicznej, Wydział Farmaceutyczny Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
2/ Katedra i Klinika Dermatologii, Wenerologii i Alergologii, Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Stomatologicznym Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

Nowadays chemical peeling is a very popular cosmetic and therapeutic procedure whose begin can be found in the ancient times. Chemical peel is a process of application of an active substance on to the patient´s skin to intensify the process of natural exfoliation of the epidermal and dermal layer. It has the ability to induce superficial shock and cell necrosis on different skin depths, which depends on the penetration ability of the applied active substance. Afterwards the natural healing process takes place, the destructed layers are anew rebuilt free of their previous damages like hyperpigmentations, acne symptoms, wrinkles or even superficial scars. The level of penetration, damages and inflammation are defining the peeling depth. Due to necrosis level peelings can be categorized into 4 basic groups: very superficial, superficial, medium depth and deep. At the present time there is a lot of chemical peels formulas available what can be fixed to the specific skin disorders of the individual patient. The presented work has a demonstrative character, it contains descriptions of the most often used exfoliating agents which are the basic constituents of various group of peelings as well as the most popular composed peelings.

Key words: peeling, chemical peelings, skin resurfacing