Criteria of toothpaste choice by Polish and Ukrainian studentsBogdan Hromovyk 1/, Sofia Tereshtshuk 1/, Iryna Vermenitsheva 1/, Tomasz Zaprutko 2/, Lucjusz Zaprutko 2/ 1/ Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Daniła Halickiego we Lwowie, Ukraina 2/ Wydział Farmaceutyczny, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Polska Summary Introduction. Tooth brushing with toothpaste is still the most effective way to care for oral hygiene and fight against caries. Students of medical universities should be especially aware of this. Therefore, this consumer research is addressed to this very group of people. Aim. The assessment of preferences in the choice and the conscious use of toothpaste by the students of pharmacy and cosmetology in Poland and in the Ukraine. Material and methods. Consumer research, carried out by the questionnaire method was conducted over pharmacy students from Odessa, Lviv, Sosnowiec and Poznan, and cosmetology students from Poznan. The responses concerning the content expectations, mode of action when buying toothpaste, preferred places of purchase and the reasons for their selection, critical factors in choosing the type of toothpaste, frequency of changing the type of toothpaste as well as sources of information on toothpastes were collected, analyzed and subjected to critical comparative assessment. Results. We found that there was a significant variation in the criteria for selection of toothpaste among the students of various universities. Motives and mode of application of pastes differ from accepted standards in this field. The degree of utilization of information about the pastes is small and professional staff does not constitute in this matter the primary source of information. The market is clearly dominated by 3 main brands of toothpastes. Pastes with medicinal properties are used very rarely. Conclusions. Toothpaste is considered as a hygienic necessity article, and not a medical or cosmetic product. It is necessary to reach paste users with comprehensive information leading to a better and justified their daily use. Key words: toothpaste, choice criteria, consumer evaluation, Poland and the Ukraine |