Selected active substances applied in cosmeticsBarbara Dondela, Lidia Chrząstek Instytut Chemii, Ochrony Środowiska i Biotechnologii, Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie Summary Introduction. The paper presents selected active substances (vitamins, azulenes, tannins, lotions, ceramides, phytoestrogens, flavonoids) used in cosmetic preparations. Methods. The percentage analysis of active components in anti-ageing and moisturizing creams based on information on the packages and leaflets available in drugstores, shopping malls and SPA salons. A concise questionnaire regarding use of face creams was conducted among 60 women of 3 age categories (under 20, between 20-40 and over 40 years of age). Results and conclusions. The main components of anti-ageing and moisturizing creams are the vitamins E, B5, A, coenzyme Q10, allantoin, collagen. The questionnaire revealed that women under 20 years of age used mostly moisturizing and matting preparations, and women over 40 years of age used mostly anti-ageing and rejuvenating creams, less frequently moisturizers. The main factor in selecting a cosmetic product in 68% of the women was its price. Key words: active components, allantoin, vitamins, lotions, tannins, coenzyme Q10 |