Assessment of the effect of the applied vehicle on rheological parameters and therapeutic components release from hydrogel formulations containing dry extract of standardized ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and common nettle (Urtica dioica L.)Aneta Berner-Strzelczyk 1/, Magdalena Piechota-Urbańska 2/ 1/ Zakład Technologii Postaci Leku, Katedra Farmacji Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi 2/ Zakład Farmacji Aptecznej, Katedra Farmacji Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Summary Making use of the possibility of manufacturing dry standardized plant extracts by modern herbal industry, model hydrogels of anti-inflammatory properties were produced with ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Aim. The quality of the produced formulations was estimated on the basis of the results of physicochemical tests provided for semisolid preparations applied on skin and evaluation of active components diffusion through a dialysis membrane (Viscing) to acceptor fluid. Results. The obtained results indicate that the kind of the applied gelating substance - Carbopol has a significant effect on rheological parameters and on the process of therapeutic substances release from hydrogels. Hydrogels with ginger/nettle produced on Noveon AA-1 base demonstrated high pharmaceutical availability of therapeutic substances at low viscosity and high extensibility. High pharmaceutical availability allows to predict that the produced preparations would also demonstrate high biological availability. The suggested model formulations with plant extracts of confirmed anti-inflammatory activity can be an interesting alternative for market preparations containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs applied on skin. Key words: Zingier officinale Rosc, Urtica dioica L., anti-inflammatory formulations, carbopol |