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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2011, 14(3): 142-146pladd to cart

National Registration System for Cosmetic Products

Katarzyna Kobza-Sindlewska

Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. Prof. Dr J. Nofera w Łodzi

In accordance with applicable legal regulations - Cosmetics Act of 30 March 2001. (Journal of Laws No. 42, item. 473 uniform text) and the Ordinance by the Minister of Health of 25 May 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 138 item 1471), any manufacturer intending to market cosmetic products in the territory of Poland must report his intention to the National Registration System for Cosmetic Products. This system has been developed to register cosmetics and notify cases of diseases attributable to the use of cosmetics. Registration is mandatory and no cosmetic or beauty product is allowed to be marketed without such registration. The registration is effected using a special form designed for transferring of data on the specified cosmetic product to the National Registration System for Cosmetic Products. Before the registration becomes valid, the forms are verified and provided with the consecutive register number. A specified cosmetic product is allowed to be marketed in the territory of Poland only after suitable registration has been effected.

Key words: register of cosmetics, marketing, reporting