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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Tuesday, 22.10.2024
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Pol J Cosmetol 2012, 15(3): 181-186pladd to cart

Vegetable proteins in cosmetics

Ewa Gwiazda 1/, Ryszard Glinka 1,2/, Mirella Batory 1/, Iwona Jokiel 1/

1/ Zakład Kosmetologii, Katedra Kosmetologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
2/ Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi

The human skin as an organ of the body has many very important functions. Among other things, outside the protection of the body from the external environment, the transmission of stimuli from the outside to the inside of the body, regulating temperature and the exchange of gases gives signals about the processes taking place inside the body. One of the changes occurring in organisms is the aging process. Just like the body, the skin is also subject to this process. Its appearance is influenced by: proper care, proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. One of the components to keep of normal skin hydration and skin circulation, which allows cells to be healthy there is a protein of plant origin. Cosmetics market in this area suggests a lot of daily care products to provide the missing substance. There are products that contain phyto collagen, plant enzymes and plant growth factors, cytokines.

Key words: plant protein, cytokines, phyto collagen