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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Tuesday, 22.10.2024
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Pol J Cosmetol 2013, 16(4): 280-285pladd to cart

Selected plant secretions used in cosmetology and medicine

Justyna Chanaj-Kaczmarek, Irena Matławska

Katedra i Zakład Farmakognozji, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu

Plant´s secretions are substances leaking outside the plant tissue itself (exudates), or as a result of its mechanical or biological damage (pathological secretions). The classification is based on the ability of the secretions to clot (resins, gum resins, oleo resins, oleo gum resins, gums) or non-clotting ability (juices, balsams), also we take into account the chemical composition of the secretions. This paper describes the selected of plant´s secretions belonging to the group of resins, balsams, gum resins, oleo resins and oleo gum resins. Plant´s secretions are mainly used externally to treat skin diseases, but are also a common component of hygienic and cosmetic preparations, some of them as a fixatives of a fragrance in perfumery.

Key words: exudates, resins, balsams, gum resins, oleo resins, oleo gum resins