Psoriasis in the cosmetology aspectAneta Urbańska 1/, Ewa Szmaj 2/ 1/ Wydział Farmaceutyczny, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie 2/ Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa im. W. Korfantego w Katowicach Summary The aim of modern cosmetology is to support the treatment of many dermatological diseases. One of those is psoriasis. It is a serious problem for patients because its symptoms are noticeable on the skin by the environment, which causes discomfort especially during public appearances. From the standpoint of dermatology and cosmetology the disease is characterized by severe course because of its chronic nature. In terms of clinical categories psoriasis can be identified by the presence of red "plaques", covered with silvery scales horn with a symmetrical layout, located on the skin. Due to the presence of primary lesions of varying morphology, disease entity can be divided into the following clinical types: ordinary, pustular and arthritis psoriasis. The main aim of cosmetology is improving skin condition by applying moisturizing products in asymptomatic periods. Additionally discussing this disease entity one can not forget about the huge importance of the psychological sessions and other methods supporting the treatment of psoriasis like: a proper and balanced diet, as well as photo- and phytotherapy which means therapeutic use of sunlight and herbs. These specialties are mutually intertwined, forming integral part of an effective holistic therapy of psoriasis. Key words: psoriasis, cosmetologist, phototherapy, diet, phytotherapy |