Evaluation of face look after application of botulinum toxinBogusław Antoszewski 1/, Dorota Sendłak 2/, Marta Fijałkowska 1/ 1/ Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej II Katedry Chirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi 2/ Magistrantka Kliniki Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi Summary Introduction. Aesthetic medicine is the group of procedures, which are aimed to improve the general appearance of the body and to prevent from aging. In the early 90s of XX century the botulinum toxin has been introduced in aesthetic medicine and nowadays it is very popular to treat face wrinkles. Aim. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the face look after application of botulinum toxin. Material and method. The questionnaire studies were performed in the group of 50 women in the age between 34-55 years, who underwent procedures with botulinum toxin injections. The questionnaire included 22 questions. Results. The face region most commonly injected with botulinum toxin was eyes area. Almost every questionnaired woman was satisfied with the results obtained with botulinum toxin injections and they concluded that their life became better. Conslusions. The procedures with botulin toxin are mainly performed by young women. The main motivations for performing botulin toxin injection in the examined group were to improve psychical comfort and self-esteem as well as self-attractiveness. The procedure with botulin toxin is evaluated as effective and satisfactory. Key words: botulinum toxin, injection, wrinkles |