Comparison of rheological and textural properties of cosmetic emulsions containing ureaKatarzyna Sosnowska 1/, Edyta Mazurek-Wądołkowska 1/, Karolina Czyżewska 2/, Katarzyna Winnicka 1/ 1/ Zakład Farmacji Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku 2/ magistrantka - Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku Summary Introduction. Cosmetics containing urea are often used as care and protection products furthermore, they may be used in the treatment of dermal diseases characterized by disorder of keratinization. Determination of rheological and textural parameters of cosmetics creates the possibility for further examination of application properties. Aim. The purpose of this work was comparison of rheological and textural properties of cosmetics as well as an analysis of excipients and their impact on application properties. Seven cosmetics containing urea in the range of 5 to 30% were used in experiments. Material and methods. Rheological parameters (yield stress, flow curve and viscosity) were examined using programmable viscometer (cone and plate) RV DV-III Ultra (Brookfield, Germany) and textural properties (hardness, cohesiveness and consistency) were measured using texture analyzer TA.XT. plus (Stable Micro Systems, Great Britain). Results. Viscosity of examined preparations was ranging from 15546,13 mPa·s (E-1) to 2827,72 mPa·s (E-5). It was measured that cosmetics with higher viscosity showed higher yield stress (ranging from 11133 to 1501 mPa). Moreover, the largest values of product cohesiveness, hardness and consistency were observed in cosmetics which were characterized by highest viscosity and yield stress. Conclusions. Examined cosmetic emulsions containing urea exhibit non-Newtonian characteristics (viscosity decreases when shear rate increases). Rheological and textural parameters were affected by the type of excipients. The relationship between the concentration of urea and viscosity, yield stress, hardness, cohesiveness and consistency were not observed. Key words: rheological and textural properties, cosmetic emulsions |