Optimization by full factorial design of the composition of moisturizing cream based on cold creamAnna Kurek-Górecka, Katarzyna Dramska Śląska Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna w Katowicach Summary Introduction. Composition of the moisturizing cream determines the degree of its moisturizing properties. The optimization of preparations composition with using conventional experimental methods is time consuming and costly. The alternative to the conventional methods is the optimization with using mathematical models. Aim. The aim of this study was optimization by full factorial design of the composition of moisturizing cream based on cold cream in terms of tis moisturizing properties. Material and Method. The material for the study were creams with added α-tocopherol, tocopherol acetate or glycerol obtained on the basis of cold-cream set recipe. Testing the degree of the skin hydration was performed on a group of volunteers selected. The optimization procedure was carried out based on the full factorial design 2k. Result. The research received moisturizing cream which ingredients were calculated during the optimization procedure based on a mathematical model. Conclusion. Optimization of the composition by full factorial design leads to a preparation with better moisturizing properties. Key words: optimization, optimization of composition, moisturizing properties, α-tocopherol, cold cream |