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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Friday, 14.03.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2016, 19(4): 274-284pladd to cart

Chinese magnolia vine (Schisandra chinensis) - therapeutic and cosmetic importance

Agnieszka Szopa, Marta Klimek, Halina Ekiert

Katedra i Zakład Botaniki Farmaceutycznej, Wydział Farmaceutyczny, Collegium Medicum, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Schisandra chinensis, known as Chinese magnolia vine, is well recognised plant species, that has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and in modern official Far East therapy. It was introduced to European therapy, including Polish one, a few years ago (2008). The fruits of this species are a source of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, which show exceptionally valuable medicinal properties (e.g. hepatoprotective, adaptogenic, ergogenic, anticancer).
In the current work the botanic and chemical characteristic, therapeutic applications of fruit extracts and separated lignans, proved by scientific studies of S. chinensis were presented. Special attention was paid to directions of biological activities which are important from therapeutic and cosmetic point of view (e.g. antioxidant, immunostimulant, antiphlogistic properties). The samples of cosmetic preparations based on fruit of this species were illustrated. Moreover, the potential significance of biotechnological solutions in supplying industry with this valuable raw material, was mentioned. Special attention was also paid to increasing importance of cognate species - S. sphenanthera as a cosmetic plant.

Key words: Chinese magnolia vine, botanic and chemical characteristic, therapeutic applications, cosmetic importance, in vitro cultures