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ISSN 1731-0083
Friday, 14.03.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2018, 21(2): 164-169pladd to cart

Evaluation of formaldehyde concentration in bubble baths herbs

Elżbieta Kulikowska-Karpińska 1/, Karolina Jastrzębska 1/, Ewelina Karpińska 2/

1/ Zakład Toksykologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
2/ Wydział Biologiczno-Chemiczny, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Introduction. Preservatives are natural and synthetic ingredients deliberately added to cosmetics. Their task is to prevent the growth of microorganisms, improve the functionality and aesthetics of the product. In cosmetics, the most commonly used preservatives are: parabens, nipagins, aspetites, thiomersal, formaldehyde and so-called "formaldehyde releases". One of the most toxic preservatives is formaldehyde. Exposure to this relationship gives symptoms of acute and chronic intoxication. It shows carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. It forms cross-links with proteins and nucleic acids. It reacts easily with purine and pyrimidine bases. In contact with the skin shows a strong irritating effect. It is a hapten, combining reversibly with proteins, causing contact allergy. Increasingly, formaldehyde is replaced with formaldehyde donors, which are released gradually and in low concentration. It is believed that the use of these compounds significantly increases the safety of cosmetics.
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of formaldehyde in bubble baths herbs.
Materials and methods. The formaldehyde concentration was determined by the colorimetric pentane-2,4-dione in 30 out of 15 companies bubble baths herbs general available on the market.
Results. The concentration of formaldehyde in the bath liquids was varied and included in the range 0.000-0.309%. The concentration of formaldehyde in fluids in 67% of the trials not exceed the NDS, 10% of trials did not show any formaldehyde, 23% of samples exceeded the NDS. Approximately 40% of the formaldehyde concentration in bubble baths herbs in the range 0.003-0.050%. The formaldehyde concentration below 0.1% in 40% of the fluids and not contained in the leaflet warning "contains formaldehyde". The concentration of formaldehyde exceeded 0.1% in 60% of the tested fluids and only in six of which was 10% contained on the leaflet the warning "contains formaldehyde".
Conclusions. It should be assumed that the concentration of formaldehyde in bath liquids affected by the following factors: the presence of formaldehyde releaser, the time elapsed since the opening of the product, the presence of natural substances (oils, dyes, fragrances) and sufractants.

Key words: bubble baths herbs, preservative, formaldehyde, the highest acceptable concentration