Evaluation of effectiveness of steroids injection into hypertrophic scarsMarta Fijałkowska, Bogusław Antoszewski Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej II Katedry Chirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi Summary Introduction. Trauma can cause a wound as a consequence of skin discontinuity. A final result of wound healing is scar formation. Sometimes hypertrophic scar or keloid can appear. Numerous methods have been described for the treatment of abnormal scars, but to date, the optimal treatment method has not been established. Aim. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of steroids injection into hypertrophic scars. Material and methods. The analyzed group included 38 patients with hypertrophic scar, who were qualified to steroids injection and had at least 4 injections. The group consisted of 20 men and 18 women. The undertaken study was retrospective. Results. Most of patients noticed positive effect of therapy after second injection, scar became more elastic and more pale. All patients declare the will to continue treatment by steroids injection. Most of patient is satisfied with obtained results of therapy. Conclusions. Steroids injections into hypertrophic scars continue to play a major role in their regression. Treatment of hypertrophic scars by steroids injection is evaluated as a good therapeutic option. Key words: hypertrophic scar, steroid, injection |