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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2018, 21(2): 177-183enadd to cart

Effectiveness of diode laser 805 nm in pubic hair removal in groups of various ethnicity

Magdalena Atta-Motte 1/, Izabela Zaleska 2/

1/ 5th Avenue Medical Clinic, London, UK
2/ Section of Professional Cosmetology, Faculty of Motor Rehabilitation, University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland

Introduction. Laser hair removal is considered to be the most effective method of permanent hair reduction. So far, no comparison of its effectiveness in different ethnic groups with regards to pubic hairs was made.
Aim. The aim of the study was to compare the participant´s subjective assessment and objective assessment of the diode laser hair removal in pubic area in groups of various ethnicity.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in UK and Poland on the group of 205 participants qualified during the initial consultation where no contraindications observed prior to the patch test when informed and voluntary consent obtained for the course of 6 laser hair removal treatments. Participants were divided into the ethnic groups according to Census 2001. Effectiveness was analysed as the percentage of hair reduction, additionally, participants satisfaction level was indicated 6 weeks after last treatment. During the initial consultation, realistic expectation of hair loss effects was explained.
Result. Objective assessment was different to the subjective assessment of the hair loss percentage. Side effects were correlated to the ethnicity. The highest percentage of complications occurred in the group of Black skin and Mixed Raced participants.
Conclusions. The subjective assessment was significantly lower than the objective assessment in each of the ethnic groups. Best results of hair loss percentage in objective assessment (92,5%) and subjective hair loss assessment by participants (88.9%) were observed in a group of Asians. Side effects observed relates to ethnicity.

Key words: hair grow, hair reduction, statistics, diode laser, photothermolysis, ethnicity