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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Wednesday, 05.02.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2019, 22(3): 194-201pladd to cart

Wipes for cleaning and disinfecting hands

Beata W. Domagalska

Wydział Kosmetologii, Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa Kosmetyki i Pielęgnacji Zdrowia w Warszawie

Hand washing is one of the basic hygienic procedures repeated many times during the day. The market offers a variety of washing agents. In addition to products intended for use with running water, the market offers wipes for cleaning and disinfecting hands. These products are especially recommended for those who do not have access to clean or are bedridden.
The aim of the work is to discuss action and the composition of cleaning and disinfecting wet wipes basing on products available on the Polish market. Manufacturers do not include information about absorbent delivery system. The composition of solutions/emulsions used to wet wipes is varied, however, non-ionic spc, emollients and substances soothing or regenerating epidermis are generally used. The action of disinfecting Wites is based on the antibacterial effect of alcohol or antibacterial substances. Regardless of the potential disadvantages of wet wipes, these products are worth recommending to people who travel frequently or are bedridden. It is worth noting, however, that the results of research presented in the scientific literature, indicate that water and soap are still the best way to cleanse the skin.

Key words: wet wipes, antibacterial wet wipes, cleaning, disinfection