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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Friday, 14.03.2025
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© Pol J Cosmetol 2023, 26(3)

Review papers
●  Influence of UV radiation on the processes of carcinogenesis in the skin and the possibility of reducing its effects - a review of the literature 119-124pl  add to cart
  Aleksandra Ochotnicka, Anita Marcinkiewicz, Adam Słomczyński, Eliza Galińska-Zatyka, Jerzy Wolak, Piotr Zatyka
●  Medicinal uses of bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) 125-131pl  add to cart
  Leszek Zakrzewski, Agnieszka Michalska, Ewa Stamirowska-Krzaczek, Anna Kocira
●  Selected aspects regarding the occurrence of adverse events when using fillers in the forehead area 132-135pl  add to cart
  Elżbieta Szczepanek, Marta Fijałkowska, Anna Kasielska-Trojan, Bogusław Antoszewski
●  Proper skin care in atopic dermatitis 136-141pl  add to cart
  Anna Lichtarska, Magdalena Biesiadecka
●  Botulinum toxin - Is it only used in aesthetic medicine? 142-145pl  add to cart
  Marta Billewicz
●  Diet as aggravating factor in acne vulgaris - characteristics of etiology and pathogenetic factor 146-150pl  add to cart
  Anastazja Okoń, Kamila Michalak, Małgorzata Czerny, Paulina Budzanowska
●  Polyhydroxy acids - properties and applications 151-153pl  add to cart
  Urszula Ryś, Małgorzata Dudek

Original papers
●  Cosmetic preparations used for effective hair care and washing. Part I. Bonifrater shampoos 154-160pl  add to cart
  Marian M. Zgoda, Justyna Kołodziejska, Sławomira Nowak, Zbigniew Marczyński, Kamil Zadrozny, Br. Marcin OH Cegła, Magdalena Piechota-Urbańska, Magdalena Markowicz-Piasecka
●  Knowledge of women undergoing cosmetological procedures about the risk factors of melanoma 162-166pl  add to cart
  Anna Kasielska-Trojan, Kinga Sadkiewicz, Mateusz Gabryszewski, Bogusław Antoszewski
●  Evaluation of women´s awareness of the functioning of the skin hydrolipid barrier 167-169pl  add to cart
  Jan Rykała, Katarzyna Kowalska, Marta Fijałkowska