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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Wednesday, 05.02.2025
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© Pol J Cosmetol 2012, 15(3)

Review papers
●  Ultraviolet radiation as a factor inducing extrinsic aging of the skin 140-146pl  add to cart
  Agnieszka Dana
●  Crambe (Crambe L.), Brassicaceae as cosmetic raw material 147-150pl  add to cart
  Daniel Modnicki
●  Possibilities of arbutin production using plant biotechnology methods 151-162en  add to cart
  Halina Ekiert, Inga Kwiecień, Agnieszka Szopa, Bożena Muszyńska
●  Complications of body art - tattoo 163-166pl  add to cart
  Anna Sysa-Jędrzejowska, Ryszard Glinka, Jarosław Bogaczewicz
●  Complications of body art - piercing 167-169pl  add to cart
  Anna Sysa-Jędrzejowska, Ryszard Glinka, Jarosław Bogaczewicz
●  Ultrasound application in cosmetics and cosmetology 170-176pl  add to cart
  Urszula Goik, Tomasz Goik, Izabela Załęska-Żyłka
●  Anti-wrinkle effects of essential oils 177-180pl  add to cart
  Krzysztof Koniewicz, Magdalena M. Rost-Roszkowska
●  Aloe creams with cignolin (anthralin) 206-210pl  add to cart
  Teresa Bujak, Marian M. Zgoda, Kazimiera H. Bodek

Original papers
●  Vegetable proteins in cosmetics 181-186pl  add to cart
  Ewa Gwiazda, Ryszard Glinka, Mirella Batory, Iwona Jokiel
●  Influence of skin pigmentation and phototype on striae distensae development 187-191pl  add to cart
  Anna Kasielska-Trojan, Katarzyna Ratajczyk, Bogusław Antoszewski
●  Assessment of permanent makeup aesthetic results and complications 192-196pl  add to cart
  Bogusław Antoszewski, Aneta Czarnacka, Ewa Woźniak, Anna Kasielska-Trojan
●  The influence of cigarette smoking on skin condition in the group of medical students 197-199pl  add to cart
  Bogusław Antoszewski, Marta Fijałkowska, Emilia Strzelczyk, Agnieszka Tataj, Anna Kasielska-Trojan
●  Anti-cellulite cosmetics available on Polish cosmetics market 200-205en  add to cart
  Paulina Malinowska