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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Wednesday, 05.02.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2021, 24(2): 137-141pladd to cart

Natural cosmetics for hair and scalp care

Agata Paliwoda, Beata Szmigiel-Merena

Instytut Kosmetologii, Wyższa Szkoła Fizjoterapii we Wrocławiu

Introduction. Hair is an important attribute of attractiveness. Hair observation and analysis allows you to define their needs and this facilitates the choice of proper care. Daily care treatments affect the appearance and condition of the hair. Natural cosmetics are constantly growing in popularity. In addition to the desired plant extracts, oils, essential oils, vitamins and mucilage, natural cosmetics may contain synthetic ingredients. The use of natural cosmetics does not guarantee the absence of adverse reactions.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the attractiveness of natural cosmetics for hair and scalp and the level of satisfaction of the respondents after their application.
Material and methods. 100 women in Poland participated in the study in April 2021. The research method was an online questionnaire with 28 questions.
Results. The vast majority of respondents (74%) believes that natural cosmetics for hair and scalp are more attractive than others. By far the main factor determining the choice of natural cosmetics for hair and scalp was the desire to improve the condition of the hair (88%). After including natural cosmetics in their care, all respondents noticed an improvement in the condition of their hair and scalp. Neither of them showed dissatisfaction.
Conclusion. Comparing the level of satisfaction with the condition of hair and scalp before and after the use of natural cosmetics-based care, there is a noticeable increase in respondents´ satisfaction.

Key words: hair, scalp, natural cosmetics