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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2011, 14(4): 217-223pladd to cart

The role of amino acids in the supporting protein of the skin

Beata Łubkowska 1/, Beata Grobelna 2/, Zbigniew Maćkiewicz 1/

1/ Pracownia Chemii Polipeptydów, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Gdański
2/ Katedra Chemii Analitycznej, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Gdański

Amino acids in living organisms perform several different functions. First of all they are components of proteins, which are nutritionally important part of our body. Proteins are large molecules, containing in its composition more than 100 amino acid residues.
In the skin there are two types of protein stabilizers: collagen and elastin. They are structure proteins, which give the skin necessary flexibility and tension. The physiological process of aging is closely associated with loss of elastin and collagen in the transformation of soluble to insoluble forms. Both proteins form are the major components of all tissues and organs and to maintain the integrity of tissue structures and their flexibility. Changes associated with aging of skin are cumulative and are the result of both external and internal. Appearance of the skin reflects the age and health of humans, and its aging is manifested in changes in both its structure and appearance. Skin with age becomes thinner, which cause is not only reducing its thickness, but also the content of collagen fibers in the dermis.

Key words: amino acids, protein, collagen, elastin