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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Friday, 14.03.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2014, 17(2): 134-138pladd to cart

Hygiene procedures to prevent infections in beauty salons

Jolanta Wesołowska 1/, Iza Iwan-Ziętek 1/, Magdalena Popko 2/, Mariola Marchlewicz 1/

1/ Zakład Dermatologii Estetycznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
2/ Klinika Chorób Skórnych i Wenerycznych Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie

Compliance with techniques in particular the development of appropriate procedures in beauty salons protections customers who use cosmetic services from infections. Majority of procedures (eyebrow epilation, manicure pedicure, manual facial cleansing, permanent makeup, eye-lashes extension etc.) require the use of sterile disposable or tools or tools that need to be disinfected and sterilized. Lack of awareness of the risks associated with improper use of tools during cosmetic treatment can cause dangerous complications effecting health and life such bacterial, fungal or virial infections including hepatitis. More emphasis should be placed on the development of appropriate hygiene procedures and supervison of their implementation in all centers providing beauty servives. The education process of beauticians and cosmetologists should also include implementing and consolidating the principles of asepsis and antisepsis. It is also significant to organize training courses in the field of asepsis and antisepsis in the centers, with grossly violate its general rudiments.

Key words: disinfection, sterilization, procedures of beauty salon