The functional food / the functional nutricosmetologyHenryk Kostyra 1/, Elżbieta Kostyra 2/, Małgorzata Kuśmierczyk 1/ 1/ Pracownia Nutrikosmetyki, Olsztyńska Szkoła Wyższa im. Józefa Rusieckiego 2/ Katedra Biochemii, Wydział Biologii i Biotechnologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Summary The idea of this article is to compare the concept of the "functional food" with the "functional cosmetology". In order to enable this discussion, there were reminded the basic definitions of the structure of body cells and the transport of nutrients through the skin and cell membrane. Moreover, a definition of the "functional food" and the contemporary views on nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics were provided. In addition, the article explains significant differences between "personalized cosmetology" and "functional cosmetology". As a result of this discussion the authors proposed the name "associative functional cosmetology". This name is the combination of the definition "functional food" with the "functional cosmetology". The sine qua non condition of such nutritious-cosmetic preparation would be the presence of the same bioactive substances in both its parts. According to the authors, this approach to the "functional cosmetology" is possible on the condition that use will be made of the interdisciplinary research methology. Key words: functional food, functional cosmetology, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, associated functional cosmetology |