The plant used in the cosmetic masksKatarzyna Możdżeń 1/, Beata Barabasz-Krasny 2/, Karolina Szymacha 2/, Jakub Oliwa 1/ 1/ Zakład Fizjologii Roślin, Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie 2/ Zakład Botaniki, Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Summary The cosmetology has always used the plants for face and body. The herbal substances contain active components which are also used in cosmetic masks. These substances can moisturize, dry out, download, tone, cleanse, cool, strengthen blood vessels regenerate, soothe irritation, smooth, soften, peeling, scarify or eat. In this paper selected cosmetic masks were analyzed in order to draw up a list of plants, which the substrats are used in the cosmetics group. A total of 48 different cosmetic masks, wherein said vegetable substrates from 75 species belonging to 48 families were analyzed. Most strongly represented in cosmetic masks families are asteraceae (Asteraceae) and lamiaceae (Lamiaceae). The most commonly species were: chinese tea (Camellia sinensis), marigold (Calendula officinalis) and grape vine (Vitis vinifera). In over 60% of cosmetic masks, the most commonly used substrates were extracts from a plant, and the second were the oils substrates. Most of the plants used in masks belongs to the foreign elements of our flora or grown in our species. The native flora components, which are for the average recipient of cosmetics seem likely to be less attractive, are a much smaller group. Key words: alien species, cosmetology, native species and cultivated |