Aloe ointments with Densefruit PittanyTeresa Bujak-Cuadra, Jakub Szoja Katedra Farmacji Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Summary Introduction. Aloe Arborescens extract has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and light-protective properties and 5% ointments may be applied in the treatment of dermatomycoses. Aloe Arborescens Mill. drew the attention of scientists after the World War II when the gel extracted from its leaves proved to be effective in treating burns of atomic bomb victims in Japan. Studies have shown that besides significant ability of healing wounds and burns, the plant is characterized by antibacterial, antifungal, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity. Densefruit Pittany Root-bark (Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz.) is a medicinal plant widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of diseases such as eczema, rubella, scabies, arthritis, atherosclerosis, jaundice, lung cancer. Aim. To determine pharmaceutical availability of biologically active compounds contained in aloe ointments with densefruit pittany root-bark, to establish the effect of ointment vehicle on their release and to select the ointment with the best application characteristics. Material and methods. The technology of a few model ointments with aloe and densefruit pittany root-bark were worked out. The analysis of aloenin pharmaceutical availability was performed in the tested ointments with the static method based on the dialysis of an active substance through semipermeable Tomophan-type membrane in Mutimer apparatus. The concentration of the released active substances from model ointments was determined on the basis of the established calibration curve for dry aloe extract plus dry densefriut pittany root-bark extract. Results. The usefulness of the suggested ointment vehicles was also tested on the bases of the release of active substances from model aloe ointments with densefruit pittany root-bark. Conclusions. The selected Tomofan-type dialysis membrane gave comparable results in the determinations of pharmaceutical availability and it is very useful in testing aloenin pharmaceutical availability from an ointment and in the determination of the concentration of active substances released from densefruit pittany root-bark from model ointments. Propylene glycol is a good promoter of aloenin and active substances release from densefruit pittany root-bark extract from model ointments. Key words: Aloe arborescens, aloe ointments, aloenin, aloe ointments with densefruit pittany root-bark, densefruit pittany root-bark |