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ISSN 1731-0083
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Pol J Cosmetol 2017, 20(3): 260-271pladd to cart

Burnout in the profession cosmetologist in the opinion of managers cosmetology salons

Joanna Klonowska 1/, Maciej Klonowski 2/, Emil Michalski 3/

1/ Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierii i Zdrowia w Warszawie
2/ Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Warszawski
3/ II Wydział Lekarski, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny

Introduction. Occupational burnout most often refers to the people who work in profession, in which the object of interactions are interpersonal relationships, involving an emotional involvement and exchange. Profession of cosmetologist is between these professions. Due to the lack of scientific studies on the phenomenon among cosmetologists, authors decided to begin exploration with people who were professionally dealing with management of team of cosmetologists, people who may introduce opinions on the subject, thus paving the way for further qualitative research, as well as quantitative.
Aim. Gathering and analyzing opinion of managers of beauty salons hiring cosmetologists on the phenomenon of occupational burnout syndrome in the profession of cosmetologist.
Materials and methods. In order to gather the opinion of managers of beauty salons hiring cosmetologists on the occupational burnout phenomena in the profession of cosmetologist qualitative study was conducted using the method of in depth individual interviews. Study involved 3 intentionally chosen cosmetology managers from various regions of Poland. The collected material was analyzed qualitatively.
Results. The specificity of cosmetologists work involves many stressors that can cause emotional and physical exhaustion, leading to burnout syndrome.
Conclusions. Managers relate burnout of cosmetologists mainly with great psychological burden resulting from the responsibility for carrying out professional tasks and frequent close emotional and physical relations with clients. This effect is reinforced by organizational factors associated with the inconveniences of work in the beauty salon. These conclusions can be a starting point for further qualitative research and quantitative research.

Key words: cosmetologist, occupational burnout, burnout syndrome, manager