Cosmetics products and methods of assessmentDaria Kaczmarczyk 1,2/, Radosław Kaczmarczyk 3/ 1/ Instytut Zdrowia, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu 2/ Instytut Kosmetologii, Wyższa Szkoła Fizjoterapii we Wrocławiu 3/ Vitusapotek Husnes, Norwegia Summary The key element in the classification of a cosmetic is to define its main purpose, whereas its auxiliary functions may contribute to provide a number of other actions. Declaring a medicinal action of a cosmetic may cause some difficulties in its classification due to the fact, that such product (meeting both cosmetic and medicinal product criteria) is considered a medicinal product. The current legislation does not distinguish cosmeceuticals from cosmetic products. In the skin industry, cosmeceuticals are regarded as cosmetic products providing similar benefits to medicines, while not being formally classed as medicines. For this reason, in order to avoid assigning false definitions of ´dermocosmetic´ or ´cosmeceutical´ to a product, it is pivotal to prepare the documentation with a great attention to detail and precision. Formal safety requirements strictly indicate that a cosmetic product must not be hazardous to health. Moreover, such requirements contain lists of permitted and restricted substances and ingredients, as well as define procedures of safety assessments for cosmetic products (based upon which, a safety assessment reports are generated). Key words: cosmetic product, cosmeceutical, dermocosmetic, safety assessment, INCI |