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Copyright @ Pol J Cosmetol
ISSN 1731-0083
Saturday, 15.03.2025
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Pol J Cosmetol 2017, 20(3): 212-216pladd to cart

Dermatological properties of cosmetics products based on oat (Avena sativa L.)

Magdalena K. Biesiadecka 1/, Barbara Drygaś 2/

1/ Zakład Genetyki, Pozawydziałowy Zamiejscowy Wydział Biotechnologii Stosowanej i Nauk Podstawowych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w Kolbuszowej
2/ Katedra Bioenergetyki i Analizy Żywności, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski w Rzeszowie

The clinical and dermatological properties of oats are as a results of chemical composition. High concentration of starch and B-glucans give skin protective and moisturize attribution, which is often used in cosmetics, especially natural ones. There are other important substances from oats such as phenols which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity. Moreover some of phenols have the ability to absorb UV radiation. Cosmetics based on oils and other isolates from oats help in skin purification, the key active ingredient being saponins.

Key words: oat, Avena sativa L., β-glucan, cosmetics